Support and Services

The Faculty's Third Party Funding Services offer support in the following areas:

- Advice and support in the preparation of, and application for, projects

- Support with calculating project costs

- An interface for other university services (e.g. the university's central research services, finance and controlling, human relations and gender equality, etc.)

- Informative events about various grant programmes of our research areas

Office Hours

For personal consultation please contact:


FWF - new grant programme ASTRA

By autumn 2024 the current FWF programmes START and Elise-Richter will be merged into a new programme. The FWF-ASTRA Awards are intended as a career funding programme for advanced post docs.

The application process is handled by Central Research Services ( However, since the faculty's approval is needed, please also contact the faculty's third party funding services. The university's in-house deadline is 19.09.2024; information on the uni-internal process can be found in the intranet.



Where to submit project applications?

Faculty's Third-Party Funding Service

  • § 26 Projects
  • § 27 Projects with funding (for the University of Vienna) less than € 100.000,--

Research Services and Career Development

  • § 27 Projects with funding (for the University of Vienna) of more than € 100.000,--

International Office

  • Higher Education projects (ERASMUS+)
  • OeAD (except Scientific & Technological Cooperation programme)
  • APPEAR etc.

How to submit applications at our faculty

Project submission at our faculty

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Step 1: Send your project application to
  • Step 2: Examination of the application: budget calculation, completeness of the documents, required signature(s)
  • Step 3: Approval of the final application by head of department (informal e-mail to
  • Step 4: the signed final version of the application is forwared to the faculty's third-party funding service
  • Step 5: notification when the completed application with the dean's signature is ready for pick-up

FWF applications: Except for step 3, the application process is handled entirely via the FWF's system ELANE!

More information and helpful tools are provided in an internal area for members of the faculty.

What to do after application

Feedback to the faculty

For documentation in u:cris

  • In case of acceptance: please forward grant contract to the faculty
  • In case of rejection: please communicate date of rejection

Internal Area

Please log-in with your personal User-ID.

The Internal Area provides further information about calls, budget calculation, overhead guidelines and much else [German only]

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